Detoxification and Regeneration Exclusive Wellness Program
This exclusive Detoxification and Regeneration Wellness program is aimed at those who are looking to detoxify their body and mind from any toxic disturbance that have entered either the body or the mind, with recommended treatments from specialists.
On your arrival and departure, you will have a Epigenetic test and a medical check-up, while during your stay you will enter an intermittent fasting program, with preferable raw and revitalizing foods (but also vegan, vegetarian and raw vegan cuisine is available).
You will have daily massages included, as well as a workshop on basic notions of hygienism, but most of all you will be able to relax and enjoy the exclusive luxury villa, surrounded by pure Canary nature in the south of Tenerife, without any disturbances.
The program comes with full board vegan, vegetarian or raw food menu included.
This exclusive Detoxification and Regeneration Wellness program is aimed at those who are looking to detoxify their body and mind from any toxic disturbance that have entered either the body or the mind, with recommended treatments from specialists.
On your arrival and departure, you will have a Epigenetic test and a medical check-up, while during your stay you will enter an intermittent fasting program, with preferable raw and revitalizing foods (but also vegan, vegetarian and raw vegan cuisine is available).
You will have daily massages included, as well as a workshop on basic notions of hygienism, but most of all you will be able to relax and enjoy the exclusive luxury villa, surrounded by pure Canary nature in the south of Tenerife, without any disturbances.
The program comes with full board vegan, vegetarian or raw food menu included.
Wellness program
- Daily Massages
- Daily meals (full board) with vegetarian, vegan and raw vegan options
- Daily intermittent fasting programs
- Medical checkups on arrival and departure (for minimum 7 nights stays)
- Light purification the first day with natural salts
- Relax at your own pace in a luxury villa in unique and exotic surroundings in the south of Tenerife
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Teachers & Coaches

Yoga teacher

Mar Febles
Yoga/Pilates teacher

Personal trainer

Founder & Program host
